Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fashion Illustration: Color + Medium

In the end of last year's November I was contacted by an editor at maomao Publications, Macarena San Martin. She asked if I was interested in participating in the last part of a book they were assembling called Essential Color in Fashion Illustration (title changed since then). She had seen my illustrations online and wanted to put four illustrations in the last section of the book reserved for alternative techniques. The process took almost a whole year, but I must emphasize that Macarena was always very attentious and explained everything carefully. Today I picked it up at the local Japan Post central agency since I wasn't home yesterday when the mailman came by.


Daniel Edmundson said...

Inoue!!! que bom! muito foda!!! hahaha esses teus desenhos são realmente muito especiais. Que orgulho da porra.

P.S. Ouvindo muito Pink Floyd é?? hehehe

Anonymous said...

Que feliz, Inoue.
Queria muito ver o livro com a mão.