Thursday, April 07, 2005

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The three books I ordered finally arrived. L´Empire de l´éphémère, Du Nomadisme, and Fruits Postcards. Of course I just wrote the original French titles because it makes me look clever. I started learning French but I gave up on the beginning. Je ne parle pas français.

Today´s drawing is based on the third... book. It´s not actually a book. It´s another version of the popular Fruits photo book... but instead of pages you have loose postcards. It seems more like a giant set of cards. It´s a very original presentation for these beautiful photos. I altered just some bits and pieces. I really liked experimenting with wobbly legs. Sometimes I get too worried about physical aspects like "the distance between the elbow and the hand should be equal to..." and this just limits me too much. As Daniel told me, look at the size of their heads! They´re huge!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

quanto tempo...Vejo que você continua seus desenhos e, é claro, em busca de um estilo próprio. Excelente. Estou animada com o seu trabalho. Se precisar de ajuda, qualquer uma, para o seu projeto, não hesite em me procurar. Encaminharei esse link para Dirceu. Vez por outra pergunta por você. Beijos!